Once you have signed on as a client, your attorney will need some basic initial information from you. You can save some time if you gather this information in advance and bring it with you to your first meeting. Typically, your attorney will need the following.
- Name, address, email, phone number, and Social Security Number
- Date and location of your birth
- How long you have lived in the state and county
- Name, address, and phone number of a relative or close friend
- Name and address of your employer
- Length of employment
- Job description
- Gross and net pay
- Work hours
- Education completed, degrees and licenses earned
- Times previously married
- Date divorced
- Support obligations and custody arrangements from prior marriages
- Your current state of health and physician's contact information
- Addresses where you have lived for the past five years
- Name, address, phone number, and Social Security number
- Date and location of birth
- How long as resident of the state and county
- Name and address of employer
- Length of employment
- Job description
- Gross and net pay
- Work hours
- Education completed, degrees and licenses earned
- Times previously married
- Dates divorced
- Support obligations and custody arrangements from prior marriages
- Current state of health and physician's contact information
- Names, dates of birth, social security numbers,
- Special needs of any of the children
- In whose physical custody the children are now and since when
- Date of marriage
- Whether you and your spouses have a prenuptial agreement
- A copy of the agreement
- Date on which you were served with divorce papers
- Copies of any divorce papers you have received